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How to Legally Protect Your Brand Identity with Jay Horowitz

by Philippa Channer | September 21, 2022 | newsletter

Branding is a vital part of any small business. We need to establish and portray a strong brand identity to connect with our audience. And once we go through the hard work and create our brand identity, we must do what we can to protect our brand. But what does that mean?


Business Essentials | Legal Considerations with Jay Horowitz

by Philippa Channer | July 20, 2022 | newsletter

When I am not focusing all my attention on marketing, you can typically find me exploring other aspects of starting and running a successful business. That is why this month, I am decided to explore a new series that turns from my normal content marketing education and explores some of the basic essentials each entrepreneur needs to strengthen if they want a successful and strong business.

Auxilium Technology